
Kemerkaya St. Eski Mektep Sok. Bulvar Apt. No:2/6 Ortahisar/TRABZON

Working Days/Hours

Mon : Sat -09:00/18:00

Contact Form

The form below is for quick communication with Orthodontist Ayşegül Gençcan Afşar.

When you fill out the information completely, your request will be quickly forwarded to the relevant department, and we will contact you as soon as possible.

The answers we provide to your treatment planning questions are not definitive. Providing a complete treatment plan and cost without examining you in person can be misleading.

Please write your questions in a explanatory manner. Answering questions like ‘Tooth’, ‘Braces treatment’ only can be quite challenging.

If you are currently receiving treatment at our clinic, please provide your full name and surname in your messages.

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Please wait one hour before sending another message.

We will evaluate your message as soon as possible and contact you during business hours.