Rules to Follow During Orthodontic Treatment with Clear Aligners
Dear Patient,
Clear aligners should be worn for 20-22 hours a day. It is important to remove your aligners while eating and to brush your teeth after meals before putting the aligners back in. Aligners must be cleaned after they are removed. You can use a toothbrush and toothpaste, or you can benefit from aligner cleaning tablets available at pharmacies or large stores. You can also clean them by soaking the aligners in a container filled with water.
While wearing clear aligners, you should avoid hot drinks and food. Otherwise, your aligners may get damaged or stained.
Always store your aligners in their case; this is crucial to avoid losing them. Each aligner should be worn for one week, provided it is worn for 20-22 hours daily. The first aligner, however, should be worn for two weeks. If the aligners are not worn for enough time, this period may be extended and could negatively affect the treatment.
We recommend using a bite stick for 30 minutes in the morning and evening to ensure your aligners fit properly. To remove your aligners, you can use the removal tool, and for inserting elastics, you can use the elastic applicator tool.
To remember when to switch to your next aligner, we recommend downloading the companion app for your clear aligner brand from app stores.
We wish you good health.