Orthodontic Specialist Ayşegül Gençcan Afşar
Ayşegül Gençcan Afşar Orthodontic Specialist ONLINE APPOINTMENT

Contact Information

Kemerkaya St. Eski Mektep Sok. Bulvar Apt. No:2/6 Ortahisar/TRABZON

WORKING Days/Hours

Mon : Sat -09:00/18:00

Orthodontic Specialist Ayşegül Gençcan Afşar

Ayşegül Gençcan Afşar, born in Burdur in 1988, is married and the mother of one child.

Education Information


Fatma Baş College's First Graduate and Top Student in Primary School (Trabzon)


KTU Faculty of Dentistry's First Graduate and Top Student in Primary School


In the First DUS Exam Held in April, Ranked 23rd in Turkey.


Completed Specialization Training in the Department of Orthodontics at KTU

Publications / Presentations

Papers Presented at International and National Scientific Meetings and Published in the Proceedings Book

  • Bayram M, Gençcan A. Multidisciplinary Treatment of an Adult Case with Polydiastema: A Case Presentation, 14th International Turkish Orthodontic Association Congress, October 25-29, 2014, Ankara, Turkey.
  • Bayram M, Gençcan A. Comparison of Facial Profile Attractiveness Perception Among Individuals with Skeletal Class I, Class II, and Class III Malocclusions: Oral Presentation, 14th International Turkish Orthodontic Association Symposium, November 2-4, 2015, Eskişehir, Turkey.
  • Bayram M, Gençcan A. Camouflage Treatment of a Skeletal Class III Patient with Congenital Lateral Incisor Absence: Case Presentation, 14th International Turkish Orthodontic Association Symposium, November 2-4, 2015, Eskişehir, Turkey.
  • Bayram M, Gençcan A. Treatment of Skeletal Class II Malocclusion with a New Modified Twin-block Appliance Using Essix and Kaidel: Case Presentation, 14th International Turkish Orthodontic Association Symposium, November 2-4, 2015, Eskişehir, Turkey.
  • Gençcan A, Nalçacı R, Çelikoğlu M, Korkmaz, YT, Altıntaş SH. Multidisciplinary Treatment of a Patient with Cleft Lip and Alveolar Segment: Case Presentation, 14th International Turkish Orthodontic Association Symposium, November 2-4, 2015, Eskişehir, Turkey.
  • Uzun B C, Gençcan A, Nur M, Özel M B. Treatment of Skeletal Class III Case Due to Maxillary Retrusion with Orthodontic and Periodontal Approaches: A Case Report, Turkish Periodontology Association 45th Scientific Congress and 25th Symposium, November 13-14, 2015, Ankara, Turkey.

Degrees / Awards / Scholarships

  • Highest Ranked Student of Fatma Baş Collage
  • Highest Ranked Student of KTU Faculty of Dentistry
  • DUS Turkey 23rd, Top of the Trabzon
  • TEV Term First Place Scholarship